
LAFARGE BFC : Beočin Business Park

Grand Prix 2016 candidature, catégorie RSE

Lafarge Serbia is member of the LafargeHolcim Group created in July 2015 through the merger of two giants in construction building industry: French based Lafarge and Swiss based Holcim. Lafarge, leader in cement and concrete production business, has been operating in Serbia since 2002, and it is one of the first investors entering the Serbian market. As socially responsible company, Lafarge Serbia has been fostering not only the development of its employees, but also the local economic development from the very beginning. The partnership with the local municipality of Beočin was initiated as one of the activities aimed to improve the overall economic climate in the community by creating the Beočin Business Park. The objective of the partnership was to generate new employment in the local community and to provide support to the economic development of the region.

Lafarge has invested 2 MEUR in the infrastructure development of the Business Park. While working intensively on the promotion of the project, the infrastructure of the area, representing 20 hectares of land owned by Lafarge, was prepared. The investment consisted of land preparation, ensuring electricity availability, telecommunication network and internet. In order to be able to offer the new investors adequate operating facilities, Lafarge Serbia was required to adopt the regulation plan, including a detailed study and acquiring all necessary permits. The Business Park includes a fully developed and operating international harbour on Danube available to new companies.

Besides the technical and logistics advantages offered to investors, Lafarge Serbia also provided the new companies additional support through newly established shared services, which decreases the costs of start-ups. 

There are four companies currently successfully operating within the Beočin Business Park, employing 300 employees, and additional two contracts have been signed for new investors. These companies are: MARS Groua, J&J company, Prowood, Agrogrnja.

We are proud that all investors in the Business Park operate successfully and have a sustainable business. The companies MARS and J&J, producing mechanical parts for other industries, have all their capacities exported. The company Prowood is in the business of wood manufacturing and Agrogrnja has started in 2015 the erection of a Silo-Port comprising of a stock and port capacity for export of 30.000 cubic meters, dedicated to agriculture seeds.

Beočin Business Park (BBP) represents a unique project of SCR in Serbia and within the Lafarge Holcim Group, with ambitions to continue its development and support the local economy in a sustainable way.


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