Meeting at the EU Delegation in Serbia: Discussion on the Economic Situation and Serbia's Accession Process to the EU

The Secretary General of CEBAC, Sanja Ivanić, participated in a working meeting at the premises of the European Union Delegation in Serbia.

The Secretary General of CEBAC, Sanja Ivanić, participated in a working meeting at the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, focusing on the economic situation in Serbia and the country's accession process to the European Union.

The meeting was held on February 25, and was attended by representatives of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood, Elin Fredriksson and Manon Thepault, as well as Tonino Picula, the European Parliament’s rapporteur for Serbia. In addition to Sanja Ivanić, the meeting was attended by Violeta Jovanović, Executive Director of NALED, Mihailo Vesović, Director of the Sector for Strategic Analysis, Services, and Internationalization at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Bojan Stanić, Assistant Director of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, and Aleksandar Ljubić, Executive Director of the Foreign Investors Council (FIC).

The meeting addressed key economic challenges and opportunities to improve the business environment in Serbia. Special focus was placed on strengthening cooperation with EU institutions, promoting democratic reforms and economic development, as well as specific initiatives that can contribute to aligning Serbia with European standards. Participants also discussed future business plans, aimed at creating a more favorable investment climate and intensifying Serbia's integration into the European market. The conversation also covered potential projects and support programs that the EU could provide in this process.






Establishment of the Council of European Business Associations and Chambers in Serbia

European business associations and bilateral chambers in Serbia have united under the banner of the Council of European Business Associations and Chambers (CEBAC). The establishment of CEBAC was commemorated with the signing of a landmark memorandum in Belgrade on the 14th of May 2024, attended by a host of dignitaries and officials.

This collaborative effort aims to consolidate the voices and resources of various European-capital enterprises operating in Serbia, forging a platform for future synergies and joint initiatives. At its core, CEBAC strives to improve laws, institutions, and competition in Serbia to help all businesses succeed, whether local or international.

Objectives and activities:

The objectives of CEBAC are to:

  1. Further develop and support the improvement of the legal, institutional, and competitive business framework for successful performance of all companies, local and international, operating in Serbia;
  2. Further develop the investment attractiveness of Serbia;
  3. Further enhance trade relations between our countries and Serbia;
  4. Exchange experience and information about how to do business in Serbia successfully in full compliance with Serbian, EU, international and national law and regulations of our countries;
  5. Support and encourage Serbian companies and facilitate their access to the EU market;
  6. Advocate and encourage the implementation of measures which would strengthen the cooperation between Serbian and EU market.

The activities of CEBAC aim to:

    1. Represent, promote and protect common economic and business interests of the members of the CEBAC;
    2. Organize joint events, round tables, seminars or webinars, and thus also create networking opportunities;
    3. Identify and develop positions on diverse business-related issues with common interest to present a single voice towards the Serbian government, ministries and other national, regional or local authorities;
    4. Organise other activities that lead to the above-mentioned aims – in accordance with statutes, charters and mandates of the members of this Council.

Signatory members:

The following European bilateral or foreign business associations and chambers in the Republic of Serbia agreed upon the creation of a CEBAC (in alphabetical order):

  1. Belgian-Serbian Business Association
  2. British- Serbian Chamber of Commerce
  3. Chamber of Commerce and Industry France Serbia
  4. Confindustria Serbia – Italian Industry Association
  5. Croatian Business Club
  6. Dutch-Serbian Business
  7. German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce
  8. Hellenic Business Association of Serbia
  9. Italian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce
  10. Nordic Business Alliance
  11. Polish-Serbian Chamber of Commerce
  12. Slovenian Business Club
  13. Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce


CEBAC Secretary-general: Sanja Ivanic (Director of the French Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
+ 381 11 4511 166

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